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~*In loving memory*~

     In this business, it has been said many times that after enough time has passed, strangers become family and family become strangers. A lot of people live for this very bizarre business. That might not be their intention, but they fall in love with it and by that time love turns to a familiar seductress, they're addicted. Addicted to the action and the admiration. Accustomed to a lifestyle where the miles behind you in the morning deceive you into thinking you're unaccountable for what you did last night.



     There's no off-season, no time outs..... You look for ways to endure the physical pain of a broken body and hope you don't become so numb that you end up with a broken spirit. In the ring, you're a superhero and you search down deep inside to make that strength real. It's dangerous to forget that even Superman had his kryptonite.

     Guys come into this business with a dream that they'll hang around for a few years and make the quick bucks but then they find out it's Hotel California, "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave." They can't make it on the outside anymore. And some die on the inside. Fatalities in the ring are rare. They die alone in the little, square room they slept in a thousand miles from what used to feel like home. Loneliness is a greater pain than all your toughest fights.

~To all the friends, partners, and family we have lost along the way~

David~ I can't ever begin to say how much you meant to me.  As you were to my uncle you were a manager to me...always pushing me to be all that you knew I could be.  You will ALWAYS and FOREVER be in my heart. 

Berry~ You were one crazy S.O.B!  They just dont make them like you any more.  The only thing that gets me through is knowing that me you and Shaun will be together again one day to raise some hell because "I never let it go to my heart"

Big P~ You were in my life since the day I was born...you were more than a friend you were family.  Although you were soft spoken and around me you were some times out spoken I always took every thing you said straight to my heart.